French Industrial Chemistry Symposium 2022

La Division de Chimie Industrielle de la SCF a tenu son deuxième colloque le 1er avril 2022 à Paris, Sorbonne Université. Encore merci au comité d’organisation, aux 10 intervenants et aux 250 participants !

Après une introduction de Philippe Luscan, Executive Vice President Strategic Projects chez Sanofi, les participants ont pu suivre les présentations de :

Sébastien Coufourier (Oril) C-H activation, an attractive tool for innovation in chemical development

Pierre Georges Echeverria (Minakem) Synergies between process development, enabling technologies and collaborations

Vincent Ferrey (Sanofi) The fabulous story of Clopidogrel

Lionel Saudan (Firmenich) Catalysis in the fragrance industry

Juliette Martin (Seqens) Tailored enzymes for industrial applications in chiral synthesis

Andrey Langlois (Novartis) Development highlights of the manufacturing process of LSZ102, a selective estrogen receptor degrader for the treatment of breast cancer

Guillaume Gauron (Corning) Process intensification flow reactors: a well accepted technology through various chemistry fields

Guy-Noël Sauvion (Solvay) Reconcile sustainability and value creation in chemical industry

Florien Median (Janssen) High-troughput experimentation enabling rapid process optimization of an RSV drug candidate

Eric Gayon (M2i) Development of transition metal-catalyzed lepidopteran pheromones synthetic routes

Félicitations également aux auteurs des deux posters primés : Racha Abed Ali Abdine (LIMA, Strasbourg) et Romain Lapierre (COBRA, Rouen).