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Article paru dans l'Actualité Chimique N°265 - avril-mai 2003
Rédigé par Wender Paul A.

The molecular universe is one of the final frontiers for human exploration. Inaccessible until recently due to the limitations of our senses, this world of nanometer-sized objects is now becoming more accessible through increasingly sophisticated instrumentation and theories that extend our senses and bring understanding to structure and events at the molecular level. Like its cosmic counterpart, the molecular frontier is rich with information, much still unknown, that will profoundly advance our fundamental knowledge of our world, provide the basis for the major discoveries and inventions of the XXIst~century, drive global economies and determine our collective and individual well-being. From new materials and medicines to an understanding of how we think and the origins of life itself, the molecular frontier promises to provide an enormous return for those who invest in its exploration.

Chemistry represents the quintessential discipline for the exploration of the molecular universe. This point is reflected in the increasing number of disciplines that have prospered through fusion with chemistry, from chemical physics to chemical biology and the growing list of disciplines that have come to molecular world to seek insights and opportunities for advancement. From molecular biology, molecular medicine, and molecular pharmacology to molecular paleontology and nanotechnology, molecular science is becoming the dominant integrated discipline of this century. We are indeed at the beginning of what can be called a molecular revolution, a time of major change that will more profoundly shape our world than the industrial revolution did one hundred years ago. It is an exciting time for our global community and for science and an unprecedented opportunity for chemistry.

Note : article en anglais

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