Date : 07 juillet - 11 juillet 2024
Ville : Dublin
Pays : France
Contact :

The Institute of Chemistry of Ireland is looking forward to hosting the 9th EuChemS Congress (ECC-9) in Dublin from 7-11th July of next year, and preparations are well underway with our plenary speakers already announced and the Call for Abstracts about to open! Please see our website for more details.


We would like to invite all interested organisations to be involved as a Congress partner, and in particular to contribute through:


  1. Promotion: we request your support for the Congress and would value your promotion through website, newsletters, email announcements and social media channels. We can provide you with the content and can agree a schedule of announcements/alerts to be sent.
  2. Bursaries: if your organisation can fund bursaries for students or developing country participation, then we are happy to facilitate this and to list the information on our website.
  3. Programme: There is still time to propose a special session to be organised by your organisation at the Congress, and we can also facilitate side meetings around the existing programme schedule.
  4. Sponsors: your assistance with securing sponsors would be very helpful. Contacts can be directed to, and our Sponsorship information can be found at
  5. Sponsorship/Exhibition: we would be delighted to discuss overall sponsorship for the Congress and one or more exhibitions stand areas for your organisation.



We are of course happy to consider any other possible cooperation!