Sami Lakhdar received his PhD in 2006 from the Universities of Versailles and Monastir with Prof. F. Terrier and Prof. T. Boubaker. In 2007, he joined the group of Prof. H. Mayr at the Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU; Germany) as an Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow. Between 2013 and 2019, he was a CNRS Associate Researcher (LCMT, Caen) and in 2020 he became group leader at LHFA (Toulouse). In 2023, he was promoted to a CNRS Research Director. Sami’s research focuses on organic reactivity and the development of visible-light-mediated carbon-heteroatom bond formation reactions. He was awarded the 2019 Jean-Pierre Sauvage Award from the Organic Chemistry Division of the French Chemical Society, the Thieme Chemistry Journal Award in 2013, and the Römer Award from the Dr. Klaus Römer Foundation in 2011.