RJ’21 : Les jeunes parlent de leur chimie – 24 juin

Lors de ce second wébinaire, l’accent sera mis sur la recherche issue des laboratoires. Quatre jeunes chercheurs invités présenteront leurs thématiques de recherche. Venez les découvrir, et n’hésitez pas à déposer un résumé en ligne afin de présenter vos propres résultats de recherche au cours des sessions de communications orales, et à vous inscrire au C.V. clinic afin de bénéficier de conseils d’experts !

15h-15h30 : Tatiana Besset (COBRA Rouen) – Modern synthetic solutions towards fluorinated scaffolds

Tatiana is a CNRS Researcher in the “Fluorinated Biomolecules Synthesis” group of Prof. Pannecoucke (UMR 6014, Rouen University and INSA Rouen, France). In 2017, she received an ERC Starting Grant. Tatiana defended her habilitation in January 2018 and received the Bronze medal of the CNRS (Young Investigator Award). Her research focuses on the transition metal-catalyzed C–H activation and the development of new strategies for the synthesis of fluorinated building blocks.

15h30-15h50 : Maxime Pypec (Clermont Auvergne INP) – N-azaalkylglycines: A new tool to constrain the trans conformation of peptoid amides

15h50-16h20 : Arsène Chemin (ILM Lyon) – Molecular spectroscopy applied to kinetics and thermalisation

Arsène is finishing his PhD at the Institut Lumière Matière, where he developed emission and fluorescence spectroscopy on laser-generated plasma and worked on the thermalization of the plasma, nucleation processes but also shock-waves generated by the laser ablation. He won the prize for the best technology development in November 2020 from Pulsalys.

16h20-16h40 : Madeline Vauthier (ICS Strasbourg) – Des procédés d’émulsification au service du biomédical

17h-17h30 : Sophie Carenco (LCMCP Paris) – Inside and out reactive nanoparticles: Journey from synthesis to spectroscopy

Sophie is a CNRS researcher working on novel synthetic routes of exotic nanomaterials for energy-relevant challenges such as CO2 valorization. In 2017, she was awarded an ERC Starting Grant to work on small molecules activation at the surface of nanoparticles. She was recently awarded the Bronze Medal of CNRS, the Jean Rist Medal of SF2M, the Young Chemist Award of SCF-DCP and the Clara Immerwahr Award from Uniyscat. She published in 2012 a book about nanomaterials and chemistry.

17h30-17h50 : Jean-Baptiste Bodin (ISMO Paris Saclay) – Biocompatible photoacoustic nanoparticular contrast agents based on Bodipy-scaffold and polylactide polymers

17h50-18h20 : Florian Wisser (IIC Regensburg) – Molecular understanding of heterogeneous organometallic photocatalysts

Florian established his research group at the University of Regensburg since 2020. His research focusses on the rational design of functional porous materials with well-controlled properties. His group applies these materials as (photo-)catalysts for CO2 valorisation as well as for C-H activation and strives for a better understanding of photo-activation processes in heterogeneous, molecularly defined catalysts and of confinement effects in non-crystalline materials.

18h20-18h40 : Lamia Allam (ISMO Paris Saclay) – Magnétoélectrodéposition de revêtements d’alliages Zn-Mn